Root & Vandervoort 1/2 scale of a 1 hp full size engine. Casting kit sold by Rocky's Model Engines. Owner: Jason Ballamy.



Star 1/5 scale engine. Castings from DeBolt. Built by: Harvey Kratz Woodbine Maryland, USA. 

1/4 scale Galloway machined & built by: Roger Upward from the United Kingdom.  Casting kit by:  Richard E. Shelly. 1/2 scale Domestic machined & built by: Roger Upward from the United Kingdom. Casting kit by: Robert Herder.



These eight engines below were machined & built by Jack Bousfield of Flair Machine & Fabrication.  If you want to have him machine & build you a engine contact Jack using the info on our model suppliers list.
Fairbanks Morse 1/3 scale of a 3 h.p. type Z governed gas engine. Casting kit by: Miniature Power Products. Perkins 1/4 scale of a 7 h.p. hit & miss gas engine. Casting kit by: Miniature Power Products. New Holland 1/2 scale of a 1&1/2 h.p. hit & miss gas engine. Casting kits by: Seven Mountains Model Shop.
Associated Hired Man gas engine.
Casting kit by:  Breisch/Peters Models.
Associated Chore Boy hit & miss gas engine. Casting kit by:  Breisch/Peters Models. Galloway 1/3 scale of a 5 h.p. hit & miss gas engine. Casting kit by:  Richard E. Shelly.
John Deere 3/10 scale of a 1-1/2 h.p. "E" model gas engine. Casting kit by: Dinky Dears Inc. McCormick Deering Model "M" governed gas engine. Casting kit by: Seven Mountains Model Shop.

Casting kits produced by Blackberry Models.
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1/5 scale of a 10 hp Fairbanks Morse engine. 1/5 scale of a 10 hp Sandwhich engine.
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1/5 scale of a 3 hp IHC Famous engine. 1/5 scale of a 5 hp Jacob Haish Chanticleer.




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Debolts Canfield Model Engine. The new Vaughn engine by Debolt.




This 1/3 scale Julien engine produced by Reynald Proulx out of canada, He also sold a 1/4 scale Robertsonville engine. Casting kits no longer available. This 1/2 scale Fairbanks & Morse Eclipse is produced by T&S model works of Oregon. 



Reg Ingold with his home built model. Scaled down from his full size 1/2 h.p. Barker 1898 engine. REGBAR~1.GIF (60631 bytes)
Buzzacott "Hit & Miss" gas engine. Also machined & built by Reg Ingold. Casting kits 
by:  E & J Winter.    (See suppliers pages)

Be sure to visit Reg's website through our links page.  He has a lot of model photos & full size engine photos. Great site!
Reg's pruduction line four Buzzacott engines machined & built at the same time.
Woodpecker "Hit & Miss" gas engine. Machined & built by Reg Ingold.    Casting by:   Richard E. Shelly        (Kit listed in Suppliers pages) WOODPE~1.JPG (71319 bytes)
Atkinson "Differential" engine. Machined & built by Reg Ingold.
Domestic model machined & built by Reg Ingold.
Stickney engine machined & built by: Reg Ingold from Newcastle, NSW, Australia. Casting kit by Debolt.
1/4 scale Kansas City Haypress Lightning engine. Machined & built by: Reg Ingold. Castings by: Morrison & Marvin Engine Works.


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This is a 1/5 scale of a 3hp IHC vertical famous engine. Owner: Paul Spence from Lakewood N.J.

The casting kit is produced by James Gehringer of Blackberry Models.

Engine machined and built by Jack Bousfield of Flair Machine & Fabrication.



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This 1/2 scale model of a 1-1/2 hp John Deere model "E" engine belongs to Aaron & Jene Dettmer of R.P.M. Models. RPM models is no longer in business. This engine was built by Jerry Shantz from Franklin Indiana. Casting kit produced by Joe Tochtrop.


The engines below were built by Peter Harrell from Prince Edward Island, Cananda.
R.L.E engine, casting kit by Alyn Foundry.  Maytag engine, Casting kit produced by Brad Smith.
