Nelson Brothers Co. &
Detroit Engine Works ------------------------------------------------ Engines that appear to be manufactured by Nelson Brothers Company for Detroit Engine Works, Etc... |
(Owner Kevin Buttle from England)
(Model C 3hp,owner Bill Nich) |
This 5hp JUMBO was manufactured by the Nelson Brothers Co. Notice the name & address at the bottom of the name tag reads, Jumbo Detroit Engine Co. 93-94 Hatton Garden London England. Not sure why Detroit Engine Co. was embossed on this tag probably should have been Detroit Engine Works. This address is believed to have been a Detroit Engine Works dealership in London England. See tag below that is from a 2 cycle vertical Detroit Engine Works engine.
Nelson Brothers 4hp sold at a auction in Battle Creek Michigan at the Royce
Shepard Estate on July 10, 2004. Detroit Engine Works, Detroit Michigan in raised
letters cast into the top of hopper. Photo by Steve Barr Steve's
Engine Shanty
David Appleton from Hampshire England sent me these photos of this Nelson Brothers 6hp with Detroit Engine Works embossed on the water hopper. David has been given the challenge of getting the engine to run again. It is believed that Nelson Brothers manufactured these engines for DEW and this could be true. However DEW had its own foundry and was very capable of casting and manufacturing these engines. It's also very possible that DEW may have purchased the wrights to the patterns and blue prints so they could manufacture the engines themselves.
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